Awas Vikas, Chilla Road, Civil Lines, Banda, 210001 (U.P.)
Affiliation: CBSE New Delhi
Affiliation No.: 2133082
School code: 70238
05192 - 220842
The diary must be brought to School every day and followed in detail. All Communications between Parents/Guardians and Teachers should be made through the Diary to have a good discipline in the school.
Parents can meet the Teachers on every Saturday During the school time.
Parents are expected to attend all parent Teacher meeting. For which we will inform you in advance.
The principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any students without mentioning any reasons.
Formal admission is complete only after application from has been considered by the principal, the parent informed of his decision and an admission Card signed by the principal issued. Ordinarily this is after an Interview/Test.
No pupils will be admitted to the school without a transfer certificate from the last school which he/she attended.
For withdrawal of a pupil from the school, calendar month's notice must be give in writing otherwise a calendar month's fee will be charged.
A students who fails for two consecutive years in the same class, shall not be eligible for admission in the same class.
For promotion to the next class a students must secure 40% in aggregate and pass in English.
Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily not eligible to sit for the examination.
On all working days and school function students should wear the prescribed uniform and come smartly dressed.
Pupils must deport themselves in responsible manner on their way to and from the school. In the absence of a teacher from class, pupils must obey the monitor appointed.
Damage to school property will be made good by the students (s) concerned.
Parents must co-operate in the work of the school particularly by in forcing regularity and discipline evincing interest in the child's progress and by encouraging them to participate in co curricular and curricular activities.
No leave will be granted to pupils outside the regular vacation periods except in case of illness or other compelling reasons at the discretion of the principal.
Pupils suffering from any infectious disease must produce of fitness certificate from a registered physician on joining school.
Only those pupil whose school fees and other dues are paid in full, will be permitted to appear for the final examination.
Private tuition is not encouraged. Only in exceptional circumstances private tuition is permitted by consent of the principal.
Parents are expected to check the school diary regularly all changes in the school rules are notified in it.
Report card of your ward be handed over to you personally to enable us inform you about your ward progress. Please ensure that your ward comes to school on time and is properly dressed before being sent to the school.
Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter the classes of their wards, for any reason what so ever. You are requested to approach the counselor/ reception with any problems that may arise.
Fees can be paid monthly or quarterly latest by 15th of the month.
We expect you to pay fee of your Ward in time, to avoid inconvenience.
A late fee of Rs. 30/- per month will be charged after the due date.
Mobile Phone are strictly prohibited in school campus.
Our contact telephone Number: 05192-220842
The school is not responsible for goods or money lost in the school premises. Each student is responsible for his/her belongings. Students are advised not to bring precious items/jewellery to school.
Students should not come to school on scooter, Moped any other fast moving two wheelers it is dangerous, risk and against law.
If the fee of any quarter is not deposited till the due date the name of the student will be struck off from the school records and he may be re admitted by paying the admission fee of Rs. 500/-.
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